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Skiplino Queue Management System


5 Ways Service Scheduler Software Can Optimize Your Time
17 Apr 2024

5 Ways Service Scheduler Software Can Optimize Your Time

We’re going to begin this article with a bold, yet painfully true statement: As a business owner, there is no resource more valuable to you than time. Think about it. [...]

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Appointment Calendar vs. Appointment Scheduling Software
6 Feb 2023

Appointment Calendar vs. Appointment Scheduling Software

Are you using some sort of calendar on your business laptop? Are you using a Microsoft Excel template? Or are you still living in the dark ages and using a pen and paper scheduling system? Now stop and ask yourself a second question: Is your current method of appointment scheduling getting in the way of […]

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In The Queue – How Valuing Your Customer’s Time Leads to Success
6 Feb 2023

In The Queue – How Valuing Your Customer’s Time Leads to Success

Take the time to stop and think about all of the major annoyances in life. Smudged glasses lenses, spilling coffee on a freshly dry cleaned suit jacket, or even people who constantly interrupt you while you’re trying to make a point. Okay, fine. I guess these aren’t major annoyances, but you get my point. Something […]

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7 Reasons To Use an Online Scheduling App For Your Business
6 Feb 2023

7 Reasons To Use an Online Scheduling App For Your Business

Do you enjoy scheduling appointments by phone? Even if you don’t suffer from phone anxiety, chances are the answer is no. No one enjoys the administrative headache of scheduling things. While technology has helped streamline the process of web scheduling, going back and forth with emails is a chore for any harried professional trying to […]

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Best Scheduling Software For Businesses
6 Feb 2023

Best Scheduling Software For Businesses

You’ve finally done it. You’ve decided to join the future of scheduling and switch from your outdated traditional scheduling system to scheduling software. And with the long list of benefits associated with scheduling software, how could anyone blame you? You’ve got a business to run. That means your list of tasks is piling up, you’re […]

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Why Booking Apps & Appointments Systems are Good for Business
6 Feb 2023

Why Booking Apps & Appointments Systems are Good for Business

People hate to wait. On average, people will overestimate time spent waiting in line by 36%. Technology has made everything so quick and easy that having to slow down your whole day for a single task feels borderline torturous. Fortunately, even the age-old industry of queuing up is getting a makeover with booking apps that […]

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6 Reasons You Should Ditch Take-A-Number Systems
6 Feb 2023

6 Reasons You Should Ditch Take-A-Number Systems

The take-a-number system is outdated technology. Unfortunately, too many businesses are still restricted by this old-school ticket printing machine. The take-a-number process was made infamous by confusing lines at McDonald’s and impersonal interactions with large businesses. If you’re using a take-a-number system, you run the risk of worsening your customers’ experience, creating a stressful work […]

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Free Scheduling App vs. Paid Scheduling App [Comparative Guide]
6 Feb 2023

Free Scheduling App vs. Paid Scheduling App [Comparative Guide]

Who doesn’t love free stuff? No matter what you find yourself in the market for, the thought of getting something for free is endlessly exciting. It’s no wonder why marketers are constantly using this tactic to help secure some elusive sales. The world of appointment scheduling software is no different. So many different companies these […]

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Appointment Planner – 10 Problems with Pen & Paper Planners
6 Feb 2023

Appointment Planner – 10 Problems with Pen & Paper Planners

As business processes become more advanced and automated, the pen-and-paper appointment book has become a thing of the past. With the rise of online shopping and the impact of a global pandemic, businesses must offer online booking to succeed and ensure a quality (and safe) service to their customers. But what are the problems associated […]

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What Does Queued Mean? Definition, History, and More [GUIDE]
6 Feb 2023

What Does Queued Mean? Definition, History, and More [GUIDE]

How much do you know about waiting in line? On the one hand, everyone does it. From cafeteria lunch lines to grocery store waits, people have been standing in lines their whole lives. At this point, you only need to see a line stretching out before a store to immediately know there’s going to be […]

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